Doing Less To Get More!

Welcome to 2019! This is the goal that I set for myself as we were wrapping up 2018.

I want to chronicle my progress with JT and so I’m going to incorporate the fact that I’ve been studying with Elsa Sinclair (Freedom Based Training), and really opening up to doing less to get more, and essentially giving myself the freedom to experiment to see what works and what doesn’t.

In this process, I don’t want to speculate why I think certain things are going the way that they are or what he’s thinking in the process. Hopefully I will try to keep that out of this because I don’t know if we know really what is going on in their world.

My goal for this series with JT is really just to document how many hours does it take to get to a level maybe that’s similar to Ozzy. Maybe it’s past Ozzy’s ability. Or maybe it might not get to all of his ability at all, but develops into different abilities.

I’m not sure what it’s going to look like. What I am open to, is going wherever it goes. When I think about it, the process with Ozzy has been life changing for me because I had decided that I was going to do whatever it was that worked for him, not necessarily whatever it was that I wanted to do. Even this groundwork stuff was not necessarily what I wanted to do but as I began to do it, I began to realize that there were things that were becoming really easy for him and that we seemed to have a partnership. There were some moments of confusion but certainly I think that it was quite an experience in terms of him being able to adapt to it and showing me that he could do things if we both worked together.

The other challenge with JT in this journey is definitely his eyesight. He, like Ozzy, is missing an eye. However, quite different than Ozzy, is JTs ability to navigate depth perception up close. As a result, it’s quite possible that he may never be able to do some things. OR we could develop our partnership so strongly that he tries his heart out. 

Whatever the case, I am 100% open to going wherever the process and journey with JT takes us!

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