The Journey Is The Destination
There’s a saying “if you don’t know where you’re going how will you know when you get there?” For many years, I believed that we needed to have a destination – a clear goal – so that we knew it when we got there. The challenge, for me at least, with goal setting, was that I would get stuck on the timeline. I felt like we needed to get there at a certain time – be it a traveling destination or a type of goal – like lose X weight in Y time – kind of timeline. I have learned that I have extreme anxiety when I have to define…
Light Hands Soft Mind
I took this picture at a recent clinic where I was working with folks on building a connection with their horses. I had seen this done in a video that Warwick Schiller put out a few years ago, and it stuck with me. However, this was the first time that I used it, and quite frankly I had no idea if it would work. We had been working on the principle of “as little as possible and as much as necessary” to get the horse to focus/connect with us through a lateral type bend exercise. I wasn’t just looking for the “trick” – as I refer to it of bending…